Another Simple Tutorial to Add a Pinterest button to site.
Pins are like little bookmarks. Whenever you find something on the web that you want to keep, add it to Pinterest. If your site have multiple images and you want give facility to users to bookmark this images for later use. you can use this Pinterest plugin.
Steps to Add Pinterest Button to site.
1) Add following pinterest script to your site.
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
2) Create pin it button using simple Anchor Tag.
<a href="//<SITE_URL>&media=<IMAGE_TO_PIN_IT>&description=<DESCRIPTION_TO_SHARE>" data-pin-do="buttonPin" data-pin-config="above" target="_blank"><img src="images/btn_pinit.png" class="shares" ></a>
Its done. :)
for more information visit:-
Note :- You can use encodeURIComponent('Text To Encode') javascript function to encode text into url format.