implement C Program of towers of hanoi

Tower of hanoi is a historical problem, which can be easily expressed using recursion. There are N disks of decreasing size stacked on one needle, and two other empty needles. It is required to stack all the disks onto a second needle in the decreasing order of size. The third needle can be used as a temporary storage. The movement of the disks must confirm to the following rules,

1. Only one disk may be moved at a time
2. A disk can be moved from any needle to any other.
3. The larger disk should not rest upon a smaller one.

#include < stdio.h >
#include < conio.h >

void move ( int, char, char, char ) ;

void main( )
    int n = 3 ;
    clrscr( ) ;
    move ( n, 'A', 'B', 'C' ) ;
    getch( ) ;

void move ( int n, char sp, char ap, char ep )
    if ( n == 1 )
        printf ("\nMove from %c to %c ", sp, ep ) ;
        move ( n - 1, sp, ep, ap ) ;
        move ( 1, sp, ' ', ep ) ;
        move ( n - 1, ap, sp, ep ) ;